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Online Resources
BFI Replay
British Film Institute
Access a British Film Institute digital archive of videos spanning six decades from the 1960s to the 2010s.
Develop your digital skills
Learn My Way
Learn My WayDevelop your digital skills with Learn My Way.
Driving Theory Test
Theory Test Pro
Theory Test Pro
TheoryTest Pro is an online simulation of the UK's driving theory test (you will need an email address to sign up for this).
English Dictionary
Oxford Dictionaries: English dictionary
Access the Oxford Dictionaries English dictionary for free. When it requests a login, enter your library card number into the ‘Log in with your library card’ box.
Family History
Music and Spoken Word
Naxos Music Library
Naxos Music Library
streamed classical music. Also includes some jazz, blues and new age.
Naxos Spoken Word Library
Naxos Spoken Word Library
Naxos Spoken Word Library - streamed novels, plays and poetry.
National Numeracy Challenge
Improve your confidence with numbers with the National Numeracy Challenge.
Newspapers, Journals & Collections
Access to Research
Access to Research
Access to Research gives free access to over 15 million academic articles
British Newspaper Archive
British Newspaper ArchiveThe British Newspaper Archive gives free access to millions of newspaper articles from the British Library newspaper collections. View articles from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
John Johnson Collection
John Johnson Collection
The John Johnson Collection is a collection of ephemera from the Bodleian Library that offers unique insights into everyday life in Britain in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. When it requests a barcode, you'll need to enter WL at the start of your library card number to login.
Wiltshire Information
Wiltshire Community History
Wiltshire Community History
Wiltshire Community History - our award winning local history site.
Wiltshire Maps
Wiltshire Maps
Know Your Place (West of England) - a digital heritage mapping project to help you to explore your neighbourhood online through historic maps.
Citizens Advice